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The Essential Partnership: Championing Your Child's Success In School
Laying the Foundation: What You Need to Know/Do Now to Feel Great About Working With Your Child's Teacher
Help! I'm nervous, scared or anxious about working with my child's teacher. (5:36)
What My First Marital Spat Taught Me About Working With My Child's Teacher (4:44)
Let's Get to It! Laying the Foundation for a Great Partnership (13:04)
The Critical Four: 4-Part Framework for Communication (18:54)
Here's What to Take Into Your First Parent-Teacher Conversation (12:39)
Help! I'm not sure what type of things I should share with my child's teacher! (3:01)
The Middle & End of the Year Conversations
It's the Middle of the Year–Do You Know How Your Child Is Doing in School? (1:31)
It's So Hard To Say Goodbye–Your Last Parent-Teacher Conversation
Templates, Tips and Other Good Stuff
How to Talk to Your Partner (Teacher) When Some Thing Isn't Working (4:14)
60-Second PepTalk: Psyching Yourself Up for Parent/Teacher Conversations (1:03)
My Report Card – It's your turn to give me feedback!
Teacher Feedback Form
60-Second PepTalk: Psyching Yourself Up for Parent/Teacher Conversations
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